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A 24/7 phone line and website connecting Manitobans to help in times of need.

211 Manitoba

A 24/7 phone line and website connecting Manitobans to help in times of need.

Reaching out for help can be hard. Finding help should be easy.

When people go looking for help, research shows it can take as many as seven separate phone calls to reach the right community resource.

211 makes it easy for you to find social, government, and non-clinical health services close to home by dialling just one three-digit number.

When you call 211, real-life navigators answer the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in more than 150 languages. You’ll receive personalized wraparound support, meaningful guidance, and accurate referrals to valuable organizations and programs.

211 Navigators are ready to help with:

mental health resources

food and clothing

senior assistance

addiction support

programming for kids

income tax help

addiction support

and so much more.

211 is also online for easy searching on your own.

211 Manitoba is part of a national network coordinated by United Way Centraide Canada.