Let's Walk This Way for Winnipeg!
Lace up your shoes, pump your tires, and mark your calendars—Walk This Way 2024 is on its way from September 6-13!
Let’s show our city how far we can go when we go together! We’ll move toward the Walk This Way Finish Line and the start of our 2024 fundraising campaign—and ignite an $80,000 contribution from local sponsors to support the work of United Way Winnipeg.
WHAT: United Way Winnipeg’s Walk This Way 2024 Challenge
WHEN: Friday, September 6 – Friday, September 13
WHERE: Wherever the road (or trail or bike path…) takes you!
WHY: To show our city how far we can go when we go together
Join us over the lunch hour on Friday, September 13, in True North Square Plaza to celebrate our accomplishment
together and kick off our 2024 fundraising campaign.
Free to attend, all are welcome!
For more details about the event, click here.
Steps to get you started:
Step 1: Download the MoveSpring App.Select 'Sign Up' and enter organization code UWay2024.

Get it on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
Step 2:Watch the video below to set up your Walk This Way 2024 account.
Step 3:Open the MoveSpring app every day from September 6-13 to sync your distance or manually enter your kilometres—and help us all move toward a better Winnipeg!
By participating in this event, you will be part of a united movement with thousands of other Winnipeggers who love our city and want everyone who lives here to thrive. And it’s fun! Your contribution also supports a stronger city by helping to ignite $80,000 in contributions to help Winnipeggers in need.
Step 1: Grab your mobile device and download the MoveSpring app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android).
Step 2: Select ‘Sign up’ & enter the code ‘UWay2024’ to join the challenge.
Step 3: Create a new account, or if you participated in 2023, login with your MoveSpring credentials.
Step 4: Connect your fitness tracking device to the app so it can log your steps during the event! You may also select manual entry to log your activity manually.
Step 5: Turn notifications on so you will receive inspiring updates and progress.
Step 6: From September 6-13, open the app or visit the website to sync your data or manually enter in totals. Walk anywhere, for any length of time. Your contribution will help build a better Winnipeg!
Don’t have a smartphone? No problem! You can also register here and connect your fitness tracking device, or select manual entry.
Walk this Way was created to show the power of what we can accomplish when we come together.
Different than an individual race, our focus is on collective achievement.
This easy guide has everything you need to get on board with Walk This Way at your workplace.
We also created a poster for you to use to help get people excited about moving our city forward in this fun and memorable way!
If you are a part of a workplace team, head over to the Walk This Way 2024 upcoming challenge and create or add yourself to your workplace team name.
Though you will not track your distance as a team (we are all one big team ! and will log our distance collectively), you can create or join a workplace team by clicking the Upcoming Challenges tab to find Walk This Way. From there, the Team Leaderboard will give you the option to create or join a team. For more information, take a look here.
You can even challenge other workplace teams to see who can go the furthest!
Sure! You can participate in the event together with your family, running group, colleagues, etc.
Choose your own adventure! Complete your walk around your neighborhood, workplace, or public park.
Take a look at our agency partner map and consider learning about and taking a walk past one of our agency partners changing lives near you!
This event is free, so everyone in Winnipeg can take part!
You can connect a device to the event app—either your phone or your fitness tracker—to sync your kilometres to our overall goal. Make sure you open the app or website to sync your activity everyday from September 6-13. If you don’t want to connect or don’t have a device to sync, manual entry is available on the mobile app and on the web.
Find your device here and follow the directions to connect your device to your MoveSpring account.
To sync steps data into your MoveSpring account you will need to open the MoveSpring app on your phone, or go to the MoveSpring website and click the green Sync button at the top right. MoveSpring cannot sync your steps data if you do not open the MoveSpring app or website.
Apple and Google Fit users must sync steps from the app. This is because it connects to the Health app and Google Fit app directly.
For more detailed syncing instructions, including a video walk through, please visit this article from the Help Center.
If you prefer to cycle, roll, play a sport, or even dance (!) you can still track your kilometres and steps to move us all towards our goal. You can even convert activities directly in your dashboard! Learn more here.
Push notifications allow you to keep up with any content posted in a challenge, stay up to date in chat, and help you remember to sync. Here’s how to adjust notification settings in your account.
When you sign up, you’ll be added to the challenge group chat where you can talk to other participants, all in one convenient place. You can post photos of how you are getting active and share words of encouragement to other Winnipeggers. Remember if you’re sharing your walk on social media—and we encourage you to!—use the hashtag #WalkThisWayWPG.
Yes, please! It would be wonderful if everyone in Winnipeg knew about Walk This Way, and joined in! Use the hashtag #WalkThisWayWPG.
Thank you to our Sponsors
These incredible supporters believe in a better Winnipeg so much that they’re going the extra mile by contributing $80,000 when we hit our 150,000-kilometre goal! Thank you.