Tracking progress. Inspiring action.
Did you know life expectancy differs between Winnipeg neighbourhoods? That’s the kind of compelling statistic you can discover with our Peg community Indicators system.
We can’t combat inequalities in our community without data to guide us.
By measuring local challenges—like hunger, gender equality, and climate change—we can better understand our city’s needs and track our progress towards a more just, equitable community.
Peg, Winnipeg’s community indicator system, is a mirror on our city. From high school graduation rates to how much we recycle, Peg reveals data-driven insights into the trends shaping Winnipeggers’ well-being, so we can better gauge how far we’ve come and where we need to go.
Generous Winnipeggers like you help make this vital data possible. With your support, Peg is inspiring action to create a stronger, healthier city for every Winnipegger.
How does Peg track the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?
Nobody should be left behind—not in Winnipeg, not in the world.
United Way Winnipeg and International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) partnered to launch Peg, and voluntarily reports to the United Nations.
As an urgent call to action for every country—including Canada—the UN identified a set of global goals in 2015 to target our most pressing issues, from ending poverty to peace and personal safety.
Taking action to move those goals forward happens right here, at the local level. That’s why Peg integrates the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Peg’s indicator framework.
These 17 SDGs guide us as both local and global citizens in creating a better world by 2030.