Labour and United Way Winnipeg
Stronger Together
United Way Winnipeg exists because organized Labour and the business community believed in a better way to serve our community.
Labour and United Way Winnipeg are partners in social change. For almost 60 years, we have united to fight for a brighter future for everyone.
United Way Winnipeg administrative staff are proud members of UNIFOR and CUPE.
A passion for community
Labour, employers, and United Way Winnipeg have the same goals: a strong community for us all. We all want to make sure our city thrives and every Winnipegger has access to the services and programs they need. For all of us, building healthy and prosperous communities is job number one.
Fundraising with United Way Winnipeg
"Stronger Together" workplace campaigns
Unionized workplaces can run a “Stronger Together” fundraising campaign—one that involves joint support and endorsement from both management and unions.
By working together to run a “Stronger Together” campaign in your workplace, you can help our community while increasing employee engagement and strengthening trust among workers, union leadership, and employers.
We’re here for you
Just as Labour is responsible to the community, we are here for you. Whatever struggle you may be facing—family stresses, mental health challenges, financial pressures, and more—United Way Winnipeg donors have got your back.
Our Shared History
More than 100 years ago, Labour activists stood courageously for our city’s workers during the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. This passionate movement and the turbulent times that followed led to the need for a united charitable appeal—and the founding of what today is United Way Winnipeg.
10 Basic Principles
Union members are, first and foremost, citizens of our community. These 10 basic principles outline the reasons Labour is involved in the work of United Way Winnipeg, with shared values to support everyone who lives here.
Solidarity Across the Country
In 2012, the Canadian Labour Congress and United Way Centraide Canada signed a national partnership agreement with common vision of healthy, diverse, and inclusive communities. Unions support social justice by mobilizing around workplace issues, such as conditions, and wages, and benefits, to improve the lives of workers and their families.
Celebrating Community Service
The Art Coulter Labour Community Service Award is awarded every year by United Way Winnipeg to a brother or sister making a difference in our city through volunteerism, education, and activism.
Get in touch
Find out how you can get involved
Ask our Labour Director about running a fundraising campaign or event with your union, and about education, engagement and awareness opportunities with United Way Winnipeg.