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Donors raise an incredible $22.4 million in 2024!

February 14, 2025


Funds will support 125+ critical agencies and programs helping Winnipeggers every day.

At a time of crisis for our community in many ways, wraparound supports will continue to help our city’s most vulnerable after Winnipeggers donated an incredible $22.4 million to United Way Winnipeg in 2024.

On February 5, the charitable organization celebrated all those who contributed to the effort, including more than 600 workplaces that volunteered or ran fundraising campaigns with tens of thousands of individual donors.

Wraparound supports—like finding shelter and housing, after-school programs for kids, pantries and meals, addiction supports, job training, counselling, and so much more—are the fabric of our social safety net. These services are critical to holding Winnipeggers up in times of need and helping people heal, said United Way Winnipeg President and CEO Michael Richardson.

“Life is complicated – and healing is complicated, too. When someone’s struggling, it’s not going to get better after one visit, or one session, or one interaction,” he said. “That’s why wraparound supports are the key to helping people effectively manage their situation. They’re the tools we all need to create a foundation of stability and move forward in our lives.”

"That's really what makes United Way so special. It's not just about supporting folks or lifting people up; it’s about truly empowering people to be the changemakers that we all need to see."

Deputy Premier Uzoma Asagwara expressed appreciation for the impact donors have on strengthening the community through “dedication, generosity, and the belief that our province can and should be better for everybody.”

“That’s really what makes United Way so special. It’s not just about supporting folks or lifting people up; it’s about truly empowering people to be the changemakers that we all need to see. It’s meeting people where they’re at—is how United Way is able to make such a difference,” they said.

I think that now, maybe more than ever in recent history, we are seeing the importance in the value of being connected. This is why we’re going to continue to support the United Way— we are going to continue to support the efforts you are making. We’re going to continue to show up as much as you folks show up for us and for others.”expressed

2024 Campaign Chair Austin Abas helps incoming 2025 Campaign Chair JP Perron climb the "$22 Million Pyramid."

2024 volunteer Campaign Chair Austin Abas of KPMG reminded the crowd of more than 800 volunteers, staff, and business leaders that the millions of dollars raised provide a financial foundation for United Way Winnipeg’s 125+ agencies and programs so they can stay focused on their essential front-line work in the community.

“Someone connects with a United Way Winnipeg agency partner every 13 seconds. That’s over two million connections a year,” Abas said. “When someone in need reaches out, a United Way Winnipeg agency partner is there to help.”


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